Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb., Beberapa waktu yang lalu, Opera Mini Modif (Opmod) telah diperbarui ke versi 4.21.25. Fitur File Manager pada Opera Mini Mod 4.21.25 kini
telah mendukung untuk mengelola arsip ZIP. Fitur ini memungkinkan untuk
membuat, mengekstrak, atau
membuka file ZIP.
Selengkapnya tentang fitur baru, modifikasi, dan perbaikan pada
versi ini, silakan baca
changelog berikut (dalam bahasa Inggris):
~Added interest in the processing status of the archive. ~Configuring file extensions offered as an archive. ~Prepare to add icons to the
OSD working with archives. ~In setting the minimum length of text added text to
save. ~ZIP archive support in FM. The
work can be done with the archives like folders, ie opening
files directly from the archive, copy,
paste files. ~In the
loader can load the file (one time only) file to an existing archive (the name is
defined manually in Save As). ~In FTP can download files in a
publicly accessible archive and upload the archive. ~In setting the buttons are added to restore the default settings.
~Disabling lowering page when opening the input field with the status of downloads. ~With an
open archive icon on
the top border and the tabe changing the icon for the archive files. ~The minimum length of the text to the default save location is set to 1. ~When the auto-update icon on the tab indicating that the page is refreshed, will appear only if the contents of the updated page is different from the contents of the previous page.
~Added transparency in the image status of the program in its original grafpake. ~Icon sizes lower border of the enlarged grafpaka adjust to the size dependence of the interface.
[Fixed] ~Edit to rename and create a ZIP for Samsung s5230. ~In ZIP incorrectly identifies a
buffer overflow. ~In the overlay form file manager not show hidden files and folders. ~Edit Stop the ZIP. ~Edit the file properties show
the hint. ~Optimizing the temporary directory for the installation ZIP.
~Optimization ZIP.
~Edit the installation.
~Edit renamed.
~Edit exports.
~Changes to the status window.
~Changes to the file system. ~Edit text positioning in a single-field direct input. ~Edit to position the input
field. ~Back on the page properties
loader ~passed
back through a single
page. ~At the lower curb was not shown by the hot picture and
Mobile view. ~Edit graphics to capture the status of starting the program from an external file.
Changelog Opera Mini Mod v.4.21.25(23363)20121221:
~Added: Setting compression for archiving. ~Modified: Edit install temporary folder ZIP.
Anda dapat mendownload Opera Mini Mod 4.21.25 pada link dibawah ini. Versi ini
menggunakan bahasa inggris dan link rusia sudah dihilangkan.
~Download Opera Mini Mod.4.21.25
~Download Opera Mini Mod 4.21.25
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